Monday, September 30, 2013

Going Home

I went back to my home in Middlesex, VA this weekend which is on the Middle Peninsula on the Chesapeake Bay. It is about a four and a half hour drive from Blacksburg. My brother goes here so he came and picked me up and we started the trek back home. When I returned home I realized how much I did miss about it. They weren't really big things but they were still things that I wanted to take back to my dorm with me. Some of those things are my dogs and my cats. They were so happy to see me and I them. It was like a little happy family reunion. Another thing I found that I missed was the water. Growing up on the river my entire life and just leaving it was weird. I guess I took having the view of the Piankatank river right outside my window for granted all these years. I also miss being able to watch the thunderstorms that come across the river and how I can see the lightning strikes that hit the other side. This is one of the reasons that I wanted to major in meteorology. Now I just have East AJ to look at. I also miss seeing the stars as bright as they are at home. I live in a very small town with little light pollution so the stars are so beautiful. I love watching meteor showers whenever they occur so being able to see the stars is a must. In big cities where you can't see the stars, you can't see meteor showers. Last but definitely not least is having peace and quiet. Although my dorm isn't that bad, being able to sleep in my bed with no noise from the room over was fantastic. I have yet to get use to having people screaming down the hall in my dorm at two in the morning. The sound of crickets chirping is the most noise that I hear on a normal night at my house. Although I do miss these things, I love it at Tech and wouldn't want to trade it for any other university because it is absolutely beautiful here!

This is the view from my dock of the Piankatank River


  1. I went home this weekend too and I must say it was so nice to see my dog, and be able to have some quiet time! Being home in a lot of fun and I already miss it! Also I think You have such an awesome view from your dock! I'm jealous!

  2. Looks like we all went home last weekend! I am so jealous of where you live! I love anything on the water, especially the beach!
